Andrej Žmegač, PhD

Born in 1961. Studied History of Art and Philosophy in Zagreb. Earned master's degree in 1991 with the thesis Veliki Tabor – razvoj i značenje (Veliki Tabor – Development and Significance). Obtained doctoral degree in 1997 with the thesis Bastioni i bastionske utvrde kontinentalne Hrvatske (Bastions and Bastion Fortifications of Continental Croatia).
Does research of profane architecture from the 13th – 19th centuries, mainly the architecutre of fortifications. Since 2017, he has been leading the 3-year research project “Antun Jančić and Fortification Architecture of the Venetian Republic“, supported by the Croatian Science Foundation.
Bibliography (selected)
Bastioni jadranske Hrvatske (Bastions of Adriatic Croatia), Zagreb, 2009
Bastioni kontinentalne Hrvatske. Prilog poznavanju fortifikacijskoga graditeljstva u Hrvatskoj od 16. do 18. stoljeća (Bastions of Continental Croatia), Zagreb, 2000
Scholarly papers
«Difficoltà più da comprendersi, che da spiegarsi»: Venetian Fortification Engineer Antonio Giancix, in: Archivio Veneto, 25, 2023
Sforza Pallavicino i Zadar, in: Ars Adriatica, 12, 2022
Schulenburg's defence of Dalmatia, in: Archivio Veneto, 18, 2019
The Venetian fortress of Palamida, Greece, in: Studi veneziani, LXXVIII, 2018
Fortezze venete in Dalmazia, u: L'architettura militare di Venezia in terraferma e in Adriatico fra XVI e XVII secolo, Firenca, 2014.
Mletački graditelj utvrda Antun Jančić (Venetian Fortification Engineer Antun Jančić), in: Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 37, 2013
Crnčićev, Krušlinov i Babićev Pogled s Plasa, in: Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 36, 2012 (with N. Albaneže)
Hvarski arsenal u kontekstu ostalih mletačkih arsenala (The Hvar Arsenal in the Context of Other Venetian Arsenals), in: Ars Adriatica, 2, 2012
Dva prikaza trogirskih utvrda iz XVII. stoljeća (Two 17th Century Plans of Trogir Fortifications), in: Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji, 42, 2011
Utvrde od srednjega vijeka do 19. stoljeća (Fortifications from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century), in: Hrvatska umjetnost. Povijest i spomenici, Zagreb, 2010
Još jedan stari prikaz šibenske utvrde sv. Nikole (One More Old Plan of the Šibenik Fort of S. Nicolò), in: Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 33, 2009
Venezianische Festungen an der ostadriatischen Küste, in: Türkenangst und Festungsbau. Wirklichkeit und Mythos, Frankfurt/M., 2009
Ingegnero francese: De Villeova pulska utvrda (Ingegnero francese: De Ville’s Fortress in Pula), in: Sic ars deprenditur arte. Zbornik u čast Vladimira Markovića, Zagreb, 2009
Bastionäre Festungen Kontinentalkroatiens, in: Festungsjournal, 29, 2007
Nehaj – ein merkwürdiger Entwurf des 16. Jahrhunderts, in: Burgen und Schlösser, 2006, I
La fortezza di San Nicolò presso Sebenico. Un’opera importante di Giangirolamo Sanmicheli, in: Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, 1–2, 2005
Zadarske utvrde 16. stoljeća (Zadar Fortifications of the 16th Century), in: Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 27, 2003
Karlstadt – Karlovac. Zur Frage der befestigten Idealstadt, in: Militärische Bedrohung und bauliche Reaktion. Festschrift für Volker Schmidtchen, Marburg, 2000
Ein Beitrag zur Tätigkeit des Alexander Pasqualini d. J., in: Schriftenreihe Festungsforschung. Festungsforschung international, 14, 1999–2000
Das dreieckige Kastell bei Sisak in Kroatien, in: Schriftenreihe Festungsforschung. Festungsforschung international, 13, 1997–1998
Sisak, un forte triangolare antiturco: sue caratteristiche nel contesto dello sviluppo dell'architettura militare, in: Castellum, 37, 1995
Biskupske i kaptolske utvrde(Bishopric and Chapter Fortifications), in: Sveti trag. Devetsto godina umjetnosti Zagrebačke nadbiskupije 1094–1994, Zagreb, 1994
Die kroatische Burg Veliki Tabor, in: Burgen und Schlösser, 1993, I