
Od mauzoleja do katedrale

Dr. sc. Joško Belamarić održat će u predavaonici Getty centra predavanje „From the Mausoleum of Diocletian to the Cathedral of St. Domnius“ u četvrtak 15. ožujka 2018.

It is an irony of history that the mausoleum of the most ardent of Christian persecutors was transformed during the fifth century into a church and then in the mid-seventh into a cathedral dedicated to St Domnius, a bishop executed during the persecutions of AD 304. This lecture will re-assess the procedure and forms of its de-consecration and re-utilization. Through a reinterpretation of the extant buildings and from a reading of a series of unpublished documents, an attempt will be made to follow the metamorphosis of its interior from the Late Antique period until the early modern era.

Kontakt: Joško Belamarić