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Krajolici između dvaju mora

U knjizi „The Land between Two Seas: Art on the Move in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea 1300–1700“, urednice Aline Payne, u izdanju Brilla, objavljena su poglavlja Joška Belamarića „The Villa in Renaissance Dubrovnik. Where Art Has Tamed Wild Nature“, Darke Bilić „Daniel Rodriga’s Lazaretto in Split and Ottoman Caravanserais in Bosnia. The Transcultural Transfer of an Architectonic Model“, Daniela Premerla „Visualizing Illyrianism in Urban VIII’s Rome“ i Ane Šverko „Peripheral or Central? The Fortification Architecture of the Sanmichelis in Dalmatia“.

Novoobjavljena knjiga rezultat je postdoktorskog seminara Sveučilišta Harvard financiranog od fondacije Getty, posvećenog odnosima centra i periferije i Istoka i Zapada u umjetnosti i arhitekturi u razdoblju od 1300. do 1700. godine, u prostoru između dinamičnih obala Jadranskog i Crnog mora. Program je započeo 2014. godine, a sastojao se od tri putujuća seminara, dvije radionice i konferencije održanih u devet zemalja. Joško Belamarić bio je član mentorskog tima, a Darka Bilić, Daniel Premerl i Ana Šverko članovi međunarodne grupe polaznika seminara.

Knjiga je dostupna online kod izdavača Brill, a od 17. srpnja 2022. u tiskanom izdanju.

„The specific geographic area this volume addresses is hence unsurprisingly difficult to define in our contemporary terms since current nation-states have little to do with the more amorphous and variable boundaries that were constantly being drawn in this period. However, having said that, it is precisely this state of amorphousness that is being unpacked here; it is this geographic instability that was the glue binding territories and cultures together in ways so different from today and that the essays seek to explore (...) From an art-historical perspective, beyond territory, the second main issue the volume proposes to deal with is the agency of objects. Thus, another important coordinate is that of the portability and mobility of objects and people. And it starts from the observation that art objects—from paintings to architecture—have restless lives and, as a result, engage territory, that is, they have a geographical footprint. Put another way, the paths and itineraries art objects travel describe a field of impact or agency, a territory within which they generate and receive energy, and produce consequences commensurate with the disturbance they cause."

Alina Payne (iz uvoda)

Joško Belamarić
Darka Bilić
Daniel Premerl
Ana Šverko